We only source from a CONSISTENT and RELIABLE Suppliers. Most of our Suppliers has been in cooperation with us for many years and proven to be a satisfactory Supplier whose keeping integrity and quality

Berlian Sukses Mandiri is energy sources for most industries, such as power plants, cement plants, pulp & paper plants, chemical plants and many other industries throughout Indonesia. With the wide range of offered coal quality ranging from subbituminous to Bituminous types of coal, Berlian Sukses Mandiri is capable to supply and satIsfy buyer’s need s for cost effective and clean coal.

So let us worry about the shipment schedule and products quality to be delivery right to your door. All our Customer have to do is just give us a purchase order with specification of product and delivery schedule, the rest will be taking care by us.

We have team of quality control who will ensure that the products delivered would met your specification, starting from mining, shipment, to trucking to your site we will supervise every steps to make sure each procedure is carry out according to our standards